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Cloud wins, multi-cloud, strategic, expansions, appointments

  • April 23, 2018
  • Analyst: Philbert Shih

It was a busy week across the sector, with more cloud wins for Google, new products and significant shuffling in executive circles.

Earlier this year, Spotify confirmed that it would be moving from AWS to Google as its primary cloud infrastructure provider. This past week, details were disclosed about just how big this deal is.

Elsewhere on the cloud side, there was more product development. Amazon added more tiers to its S3 storage service and Logicworks built new automation capabilities into its managed third party cloud service. Scality is a multi-cloud storage management tool that service providers have used and it is looking to enhance its product set with the help of a new capital raise.

There were other developments on the strategic side of things. In addition to Scality’s raise, DXC acquired a pair of SIs focused on the Microsoft platform and Green House Data sold its Wyoming-based data centre to CIM Group and 1547 Realty. CIM and 1547 also started construction at its new site in San Francisco.

There was plenty of building and expansion activity from data centre operators such as Stream, Uniserve, Zayo, NEXTDC and Telin.

Finally, there was an unusually high number of executive changes from the likes of 21Vianet, Data Foundry, Equinix, AWS, Flexential and ClearDATA.

Earnings season is already fast approaching, with Amazon reporting this coming week. On the private side, we have some interesting data points about progress at TierPoint.
